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2nd year – Osteopathy


Structural osteopathy: basic structural concepts, methodology and technique, pelvis, sacrum, hind limb, anterior limb.

Direct, functional, reflexive, MET, BLT osteopathic techniques

Fascial osteopathy: basic fascial concepts, methodology and technique, techniques on limbs and deep and superficial listening

Cranio-sacral osteopathy: craniosacral theory and concepts, cranio-sacral methodology and technique, cranio-sacral anatomy and physiology, techniques on humans and listening, description of cranial dysfunctions.

Visceral osteopathy: basic concepts and visceral anatomy, visceral anatomical and physiological concepts, visceral articulation, viscero-somatic relationship, practice on humans and animals.


3rd year – Osteopathy


Structural osteopathy: rachis, physiological laws, techniques and variants.

Direct, functional, reflexive, MET, BLT osteopathic techniques

Fascial osteopathy: fascial rahis and dysfunctional arches, muscular chains

Cranio-sacral osteopathy: cranial dysfunction and correction

Visceral osteopathy: organs and viscera theory and practice.



4thyear – Osteopathy


Structural osteopathy: evaluation and test, clinical case, data collection and treatment project drafting

Direct, functional, reflexive, MET, BLT osteopathic techniques

Fascial osteopathy: evaluation and correlation with other areas.

Cranio-sacral osteopathy: evaluation and treatment, case management and anamnesis

Visceral osteopathy: visceral and somato-visceral tests, integration for the preparation of the therapeutic program.

History, prognosis, diagnosis, orthopedic and neurological tests


In the three years the following topics will be addressed:

Structural - dog and horse: comparative anatomy and physiology, joint biomechanics and applied physics (dog, horse), patient management, manual approach to the patient, ergonomics of treatment, operator and patient safety.

Osteopathic concepts and rules on treatment, anatomy and physiology applied to treatment.

Structural testing and evaluation. Special exercises to understand the concept of laxity and dysfunction

Direct and special techniques: rules, indications, contraindications and applications.

Muscle energy techniques: rules, indications, contraindications and applications.

Reflex techniques: rules, indications, contraindications and applications.

Ward direct techniques: rules, indications, contraindications and applications.

Riarticulatory techniques: rules, indications, contraindications and applications.

Hours of didactic and practical training on animals with practical demonstrations and tests.


Sacral skull: comparative anatomy, physiology of the skull, anatomy and cranial neurology applied to osteopathy, cranial dysfunction, cranial function, homeostasis, cranial venous sinuses, particularities.

Craniosacral test and evaluation

Numerous examples and preparatory exercises to be able to understand and metabolize the primary breathing mechanism, understanding and tests on the human to have the sensations to be perceived on different tissues and animals.

Dysfunctions of the skull on human, dog, horse and related tests and normalization treatment.

Indications and contraindications


Fascial: fascia and anatomical insights on the connective tissue, concept of globality, indications, contraindications.

Test and fascial evaluation

Special training to train the hand to listen and learn the concept.

Globality concept and tests to evaluate fascial dysfunction.


Visceral: theory and basic concepts for learning fascial osteopathy, anatomy and physiology of the visceral system, concept of visceral articulation, mobility and motility, comparison according to the various authors on visceral treatment.

Patient management, inhibitory and visceral tests.

Treatment and correction of dysfunctions of every organ and bowel.


Presentation for each subject of numerous specialized texts and analysis of the same.
Sono previste anche lezioni su:


Sports medicine



Breeds and joint dysplasias


Medical examination with neurologist, orthopedist, cardiologist and cytologist

Diagnostic imaging

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