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(The program may vary according to the initial level of preparation of the students)



Chemistry and Physics and Medical Physics


Introduction: physical quantities and units of measurement; International system

- KINEMATICS: Time and Space, Speed and Equation of Motion, Average and Instantaneous Speed, Acceleration

- THE FORCES: The force, the three principles of dynamics, uniform linear motion, uniformly accelerated linear motion, the universal law of gravitation and the acceleration of gravity, the weight force, the free fall.

- DYNAMICS: Conservation principle of energy, Forms of energy, Work and energy, Power, Potential energy and kinetic, Conservation of mechanical energy, Linear momentum and law of conservation, Center of mass and Rotational motions, time of inertia

- STATIC: Moment of a force, Angular momentum and conservation law, Balance and levers.

- ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA: The electric charge, Coulomb force, The field and electric potential, The electric current and Ohm's laws, Electric power and Joule effect, The magnetic fields

- MEDICAL PHYSICS: electromagnetic spectrum, X-rays, radiological equipment, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, radiation protection


Inorganic chemistry

- FROM THE ATOM TO THE MOLECULE: Structure of the atom. Periodic table. Chemical bonds. Molecular geometry, Stoichiometry

- ACIDS AND BASES: Acids and bases, pH


Organic chemistry

 - Hydrocarbons

- Stereochemistry

- Main organic functional groups

- Main reaction mechanisms


Biology (with zoology and evolution)

Introduction: the basic molecules (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, RNA and DNA)

- FROM CELL TO MULTI-CELLULARITY: General characteristics of cells. Cellular organization. Metabolism and cellular respiration. Cellular communication and cell cycle. Multicellularity.

- ZOOLOGY and ANIMAL DIVERSITY: Nutrition in animals. Homeostasis and thermoregulation. Evolution. Introduction to animal systematics.

- INVERTEBRATES AND VERTEBRATES: Invertebrates: main characteristics of molluscs, arthropods, flatworms and nematodes. Vertebrates: main characteristics of the Chordates: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals



Introduction Cytology

- THE DIFFERENT TISSUES: The epithelial and glandular tissue. The connective tissue. Adipose, cartilaginous and bone tissues. Blood and lymphatic tissue. Muscle and nervous tissue. Male and female gametogenesis. Pre-implantation fertilization and development


Zootechnics (with genetics) and zoognostics

Genetics and Zootechnics

Introduction: Principles of genetics (locus, genes, gene frequencies, and genotypic); Mendel's laws and deviations;

- SELECTION: Hardy Weinberg's law, non-random coupling, migration, selection; kinship and inbreeding; choice of breeders; progeny tests, performance tests.



Introduction: general information, terminology and definitions


Dog: ENCI subdivision (the 10 groups); the cloats; the 10 most frequent breeds in Italy; the Italian breeds

Horse: coats; breed associations and subdivisions according to different parameters; the 5 most frequent breeds; the Italian breeds



Introduction: terminology, gastrulation and morphogenetic processes, placentation

- ORGANOGENESIS: Central nervous system and eye, Peripheral nervous system and ear, connective and trunk muscles, connective and craniofacial muscles, limb development, cardiovascular system, pharynx and pharyngeal pouches, respiratory system and subdivision of the body cavities, digestive system, urinary and adrenal glands, reproductive systems


Basic anatomy

Introduction: terminology, the different plans and nomenclature

- Musculoskeletal system: general, axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton of the front limb, bones and related joints, appendicular skeleton of the rear limb, bones and related joints, limb myology, head, neck and trunk myology

- Cardio-circulatory system: heart, arteries, veins and capillaries; small and large circulation; lymphatic system

- Respiratory system: upper respiratory tracts, pharynx, larynx, trachea and broncus, bronchioles, lungs and alveolus.

- Integumentary system, epidermis and nerve endings, annexed glands

- Digestive system: Cephalic intestine: oral cavity and pharynx, anterior intestine: esophagus and stomach, medium intestine (small and large intestine), rectum and anal canal, glands annexed to the digestive system: liver and pancreas

- Urogenital system: urinary system (from kidney to bladder), female reproductive system, male reproductive system

- Nervous System: Central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, cerebellum, cranial nerves, areas of the brain, brain stem and nucleus, CSF and meninges); Peripheral nervous and vegetative system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

- the five senses and the vestibular system: ear-balance, gustatory pathways, olfactory pathways, eye


Topographical anatomy

- Head regions, pharyngeal and parotid regions

- Regions of the neck and back

- Regions of the chest,

- Regions of the abdomen and pelvis

- Regions of the thoracic and pelvic limbs and nail anatomy

- Landmarks


Basic physiology

Introduction and extracellular matrix

- Male reproductive system and female reproductive system, udder

- Physiology of the respiratory system: gas exchange; control of the body's acid-base balance; secondary functions of the apparatus

- Digestive system: food intake; physiology of the digestive system in monogastric and digestive system in polygastric

- Physiology of the urinary system; secondary functions of the urinary system (metabolic functions, acid-base regulation, control of liquids); urine

- Physiology of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: the neuron, synapses and neurotransmitters, receptors, structure and function of the spinal cord, spinal reflexes, cranial nerves, brain stem functions, regulation of muscle tone, labyrinth and labyrinthine reflexes, cerebellum, cortical areas

- Vegetative nervous system and sense organs: taste; smell; hearing; view

- Muscles: striated muscle (and endplate), smooth muscle

- The blood: characteristics and composition, hematopoiesis, hemostasis


Cardio-circulatory system

Heart, cardiac cycle; cardiac output and heart tones; basics of circulatory mechanics; venous and arterial system, blood pressure; microcirculation: pressure in the capillaries; Starling hypothesis, central and peripheral control of circulation


Introduction to pathology

Introduction: homeostasis and disease

- Etiology: physical, chemical causes of disease, living agents, genetic-hereditary

- Cell and tissue death

- Hypertrophy, Hypotrophy, Metaplasia

- Degenerations

- Extracellular degenerations

- The acute inflammatory process or angiophlogosis, diapedesis and phagocytosis, the chemical mediators of the inflammatory process

- Classification of exudates, The chronic inflammatory process or histophlogosis

- The repair of wounds

- Tumors

- Pathophysiology of blood

- Pathophysiology of the endocrine system (syndromes from hypo and hyperfunction of pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal cortex, endocrine pancreas: diabetes mellitus)

- Circulatory disorders

- Pathophysiology of thermoregulation

- Pathological pigmentations

- Immunopathology (Hypersensitivity reactions - type I, II, III, IV), Autoimmune diseases, Immunodeficiencies.


Parasitology, hints

Introduction: definition of parasite and parasitism. Ecology and biology of parasites. Host-parasite-environment interaction

- Main parasites and zoonotic agents Nematodes (Strongili, Hookworms, Ascaridae, Spiruridae, Dictyocaulus, Filaroidea, Trichuroidea); Flatworms (Trematodi, Cestodi, Cyclophyllidea); Arthropods (Diptera, Oestridae, Lice, Fleas, Ticks, Mites); Trematodes Digenea (Fasciola, Dicrocoelium, Paramphystomum), and Cestodes Pseudophyllidea (Dhiphyllobothrium) and Cyclophyllidea (Taenia soilum, T. saginata, Echinococcus sp, Anoplocephalidae, other cestodes); Protozoa (Giardia, Leishmania, Coccidae, blood and tissue Protozoa

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